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Independence First staff try out new MCTS electric busses

Raquella Freeman, Fund Development Fellow at Independence First, shares her firsthand account of the BRT open house. She joined Independent Living Coordinator, Emily Cadman on the tour. 

Emily and Raquella pose in front of the new electric bus

Emily with her service dog and Raquella pose in front of a new electric bus

On May 22nd 2023, MCTS invited the community to explore the new BRT Connect 1 rapid transit electric buses that are set to launch in early June. As a frequent public transportation rider and a mobility device user who commutes for work and entertainment, I was excited to learn more about the exciting new features offered for riders with and without disabilities! 

The first feature comes right when the doors open, the entryway is wide and spacious, and those with scooters and larger power chairs can easily enter the bus. Once boarded, riders can choose between traditional tie-downs or the new Quantum lock system. The new Quantum lock provides rides with greater independence. With the push of a button, the rider is able to safely secure their chair and ride without requiring additional assistance from the diver during entry or exit. Also, with the rear-facing locking system, riders can quickly position themselves with greater ease and a more conformable and safe riding experience. 

Raquella trying out the Quantum lock system on the new BRT bus

Some added perks for all riders are the USB charging stations for your phone or another hand-held electronic device, spacious seating throughout the bus, and the prepay stations that provide all connect one station that will greatly reduce overall wait times.  After its June launch, I look forward to exploring the Connect one and experiencing the quiet electric engine and quicker trips! 

Emily and her service dog Venus try the new locking system on the electric bus

Emily and her service dog Venus try out the Quantum lock system

Find more information on the Connect 1, including routes and maps by clicking HERE