Here's how you can help save Medicaid
Congress is considering changes to Medicaid funding that could impact the services and supports people with disabilities rely on. These decisions are happening quickly, and it’s important that lawmakers hear from those who work directly with individuals who benefit from Medicaid.
Many members of Congress may not fully understand how Medicaid funds essential services, supports independent living, and helps sustain jobs in our communities. Your voice can help ensure they make informed decisions that protect the people we serve.
Now is the time to take action. Please reach out to your representatives and share why Medicaid is vital to the individuals and families you support. Together, we can make a difference.
Thank you for your dedication and advocacy! Please call or email your representatives today!
You can find the latest updates at the bottom of this page.
Let your voice be heard.
Many legislators don’t know what Medicaid does or how it helps people.
They complain they never hear from people who support others or use it.
Call or email them today. Let them know what Medicaid does for you, the people we serve and tell them do not to cut any part of Medicaid.
Don’t let Medicaid get cut.
Everybody has a U.S. Representative depending on your zip code. (Click HERE to find out who they are)
Everybody has 2 U.S. Senators. (Listed below)
How you can make a difference:
Call or email (at the website) your local Representative:
Find Your Representative at
TO EMAIL: Click the link, enter your zip, click on Representatives name, close any pop ups, click on contact your representative, and fill out form.
TO CALL: Click the link, enter your zip, click on Representatives name, close any pop ups, click on contact your representative, and click on my offices under email me. Phone number will be there.
Call or email (at the website) your Senator:
Ron Johnson
Phone: (414) 276-7282
Web to leave an email: Email Ron - Ron Johnson Senator from Wisconsin
Just click the link and fill out the form.
Tammy Baldwin
Phone: 202-224-5653
Web to leave an email: Contact Tammy | U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin
Just click the link and fill out the form.
Tell them your own personal story and the impact Medicaid has on you and your family.
Want to learn more about how the government may be cutting Medicaid funding and what to do?
View this informational webinar from the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities:
Medicaid 2025: Ways to Take Action on Proposed Medicaid Cuts
Federal and State lawmakers need to know how Medicaid helps you and your family, and what it would mean to your life if the services and supports you have are reduced or stopped. National disability advocates think Congress may cut federal Medicaid funding and may change what states can do so it is easier for states to cut Medicaid programs. Many federal and state decision-makers do not know how Medicaid helps people stay healthy and living in their homes, not institutions.
In this webinar we will cover:
- Ways people like you have successfully connected with lawmakers on Medicaid
- Tips and strategies you can use to educate lawmakers and people you know about Medicaid, and what cutting it would mean for people like you
- Ideas you can put into action as an individual or part of the larger disability community to make more people aware of why Medicaid matters
Click HERE to view a recording of the informational webinar.
Find the latest updates.
Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) shared this message: FoodShare, BadgerCare Plus, and othe Medicaid programs continue to serve the Wisconsinites who rely on these benefits for health care and food help. Click HERE for Medicaid news from DHS and HERE for FoodShare news.