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Take ownership of your life by setting goals

By Michael Hineberg, Independent Living Services Coordinator

I cannot overstate the importance of setting goals. Zig Zigler said, “If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.” Set goals for the day and the week. Achieving goals can bring a sense of accomplishment and it builds self-esteem. Take ownership of the ship called life and navigate it purposefully as you go through time. Pursuing goals also gives you a feeling of control, rather than aimlessly or passively floating through life. Your aim can be as small as shopping or cooking, or your aim can be to learn a skill or go back to school. Aim high!

At Independence First, we assist people with disabilities in identifying, setting and working toward their goals. We encourage people with disabilities to contact us at Independence First, 414-291-7520 V/Relay, if we can help you prepare for your next journey to reach a goal.